One Day at a Time

I think about how we are in the midst of uncharted territory with the impending corona virus seeping into our daily surroundings. What remained off-shore in a distant country is now nipping at our heels in our homeland. What was scary to hear on the news … the panic, devastation and lives lost in China now take on a new hue, pulse, heartbeat, level of attention and anxiety as we prepare for the unknown. As I try to find balance in my days which now lack definitive borders, I am reminded to take things one day at a time. When you’re young these words can fall flat; carrying no weight or importance. But as you grow older and find your sea-legs in this life you realize the beauty of the expression … “taking one day at a time”. It has served me well when navigating the joys and worries of raising young children; moving overseas without direction or expectation; picking myself up and dusting myself off going through a divorce; starting a relatively unknown business; and letting part of my heart leave for university while cheering from home base. All of these instances involved me reminding myself that I can get through this day … just this one day. And I did. And when I woke up … I did it again. Kind of like “wash, rinse, repeat”.

This also overlaps with how I encourage people wanting to get organized. So many times there are calls to action to “get organized” … especially at the beginning of a New Year, following different transitions in life, on the heels of a death, divorce or move, or maybe even after binge-watching Marie Kondo. Whatever the impetus, I caution people that what has taken, sometimes, many years to get to a certain point … won’t be undone immediately. Oftentimes that advice can deflate even the most positive people.

So what does it take to get organized? It starts with taking the first step … just one day … and then trying it again the next day. Even the day after. Until you have gone through your house, purged and found a designated space and a place for everything.

If you’re starring out the window and wondering what you can do while spending a little more (maybe a lot) time inside, just open up a drawer. One drawer … one day. Start there. No grand plans. Just start where you are today.


One Day at a Time

Start small … and repeat.